Help:SMW Type

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Help for SMW_Type

Component.pngSMW TypeSMW_TypeSMW_Typesan SMW_Type is a data type which determines the possible values for that type e.g. a Boolean can hold true/false values while a Number can hold 3.1459 or 20. A Page can hold the name of a Wiki page see



Example SMW_Types


SMW Type documentationThe documentation of this Semantic Media Wiki typeTypes/Textdocumentationdocumentationfalsefalse
SMW Type helppageThe url of the 'official' documentation page of this typeTypes/URLhelppagehelppagefalsefalse
SMW Type idSMW internal id of the typeTypes/Textididfalsefalse
SMW Type javaTypeJava mapping of this typeTypes/TextjavaTypejava Typefalsefalse
SMW Type typeThe Semantic MediaWiki type without the prefix e.g. Text, Number, BooleanTypes/Texttypetypetruefalse
SMW Type typepageThe Semantic Media Wiki Special page for this specific type e.g. Special:Types/Text, Special:Types/Boolean, Special:Types/Date, Special:Types/Number, Special:Types/PageTypes/Pagetypepagetypepagefalsefalse
SMW Type usedByPropertiesthe properties having this typeTypes/PageusedByPropertiesusedByProperties


see also